Posts Tagged Jim Lehrer

The unsung candidate in the 2012 election: yellow press

Image representing New York Times as depicted ...

Image via CrunchBase

It is understood-and somewhat tolerated-that cinema, major news networks and media publications lean left.  In past elections you’d get the occasional grumble or gripe from the right. But, Mainstream election coverage in 2012 is something else entirely; something eerily similar in practice to the principle of historical/factual revisionism in the years immediately after 1917 Bolshevik Revolution. Networks came dangerously close to wholesale non-state sponsored propaganda. At the very least, NBC, ABC, CNN, the New York Times, TIme Magazine, Candy Crowley, the daytime talk shows, comedy central etc are guilty of  media malpractice.

The Propaganda Machine

Obama does not receive a vote in favor of budge

Worst of all,  most election coverage handicaps the Romney campaign by affecting public perception. Exhibit A is the tectonic shift the polls since the first debate.  Less about the debate and more about live television, those who swallowed the Obama myth expected Mitt Romney to appear on stage as a Mormon Rich Uncle Pennybags from Monopoly.  Yet, alas, he sounded competent and did not light a cigar with a $100 note after punting a puppy over Jim Lehrer‘s head.

The debate: 1) awakened a catatonic public to the noticeable disparity between Obama’s libel and Romney’s likability; and 2) revealed a president that did not conform to the myth they were sold.

Consequently,  a record 12 million viewers tuned to FOX [hardly a left leaning network].

Whether you agree or disagree with my assessment, assume that the media’s political slant begins to visibly distort and affect electionresults (I know, ‘good luck quantifying that!’). Does that bind voters in a catch 22? A free society needs an autonomous press, but what happens when an autonomous press vitiates a free society?

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